12 articles
Forgotten passwordI forgot my password, what can I do?
UsernameWhere can I find my user name? Why can't I log in with my username anymore?
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)What is two-factor authentication and how can I set it up?
Use test environment, aka sandboxHow can I test the service?
Specify custom domain for linksHow can I use my own short domain instead of the default link shortener?
Delete accountFind out how to delete your seven account.
Managing the journalHow to set how long your journal entries are stored.
Set default country codeHow can I select a default country code?
Changing your Email AddressHow do I change the email address associated with my account?
Correct phone number formatIn which format do I have to enter the phone numbers?
Account MembersHow to assign roles to your account members
Geographic RestrictionsGeo-restrictions in seven.io let you control which countries can send messages, aiding efficient management, misuse prevention, and cost optimization.