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Inbound SMS do not arrive
Inbound SMS do not arrive

What could be the reason if I do not receive (some) Inbound SMS?

Updated over 8 months ago

Receiving SMS from the same country

You do not receive SMS sent to you from the same country in which your phone number with is registered?

In this case please contact our support, as there is likely some formal or technical issue that we can resolve quickly.

Example: You have booked a German phone number with us and would like to receive inbound SMS from a German mobile phone number.

Receiving SMS from abroad

If you want to receive an SMS from a country other than the one where your phone number with is registered, it can happen in some cases that some inbound SMS are not delivered to you.

Example: You have booked a German phone number with us and would like to receive Inbound SMS from an American mobile phone number. We cannot guarantee this reception.

The reason for this are restrictions of some international mobile carriers, which may not be able to deliver SMS to our phone numbers.

Therefore, please make sure that you choose a local number that matches the numbers of the people you want to receive SMS from.

If you want to receive replies from American numbers, you should also choose an American number.

Not receiving SMS with alphanumeric sender on virtual numbers

SMS sent with alphanumeric sender names are often blocked when sent to virtual numbers. If you want to be absolutely sure that you receive all SMS with text senders, please choose a physical phone number.

Update: From November 2022 we can offer virtual numbers for certain countries that can receive SMS from alphanumeric senders. If you would like to purchase such a number, please contact our support directly.

You can find more information about booking a phone number in the help article "Ordering your own phone number".

Do you have further questions? Our support will be happy to help you!

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